
A wedding is one of life’s great moments, and we’re delighted that you’re thinking of being married at St Martin’s or St Stephen’s. Marriage is a gift given to us by God, when a couple make a public declaration of lifelong commitment to one other.

We run regular Marriage Preparation Courses to help you reflect on the meaning of the promises you will be making in your vows. We’ll also help you plan the service including advice on music and readings. We can also guide you through practical arrangements such as organising the church flowers and deciding if you want a choir, organ and bell ringers.

There are also legal requirements to be met which we will check through with you. In most cases, your marriage will be announced by the calling of Banns which are read in church three months before the wedding.

As a first step, we’ll invite you to get in touch with the Parish Office who will arrange for you to meet one of the clergy informally.

We very much look forward to supporting you in the days and months ahead.

The Church of England has a website with further information: