The Parochial Church Council met for the first time since the recent APCM, and Rob
Jeffery and John Padwick, were welcomed to their first meetings of the Council and
Sarah Lutton was welcomed to the meeting in her new role as Churchwarden
Alana Harris was our guest speaker and she spoke on the contested heritage and
slavery research that she was supervising for us. The research was uncovering a
wider and more nuanced picture of John Brathwaite and was also generating interest
with other specialist historians of that period. It was noted that the Diocese see this
work as a pilot for other parishes.
The meeting then dealt with the regular business at the start of a new year:
Rob Jeffery was elected as PCC Secretary. The role of Treasurer remains with the
wardens for the time being. Rob Jeffery is a member of the Fabric Committee and
John Padwick will join the Missions and Outreach committee.
The Safeguarding policy was unanimously adopted.
The minutes of the previous PCC meeting were agreed with amendments
Nick tabled a draft Mission statement for the Parish. Members made various
comments and observations which he agreed to take on board.
The Chair tabled his draft vision for future mission and ministry in Langley Vale.
Members were asked to send thoughts to the Chair as soon as possible.
Missions and Outreach report was received and noted as a work in progress
The chair updated members on the work of the Ministry Team and agreed to bring a
more detailed update on our children’s and youth ministry to the next meeting
Marriage Legislation proposal
Howard Bluett spoke to his previously circulated report; following a lively debate on
the issues raised the meeting voted to support Howard’s proposal, which will now go
to Deanery Synod for further consideration.
The chair updated the meeting on the staffing review that was now complete.
Buildings Strategy and Fabric report, We are:
- Awaiting a report on Church House from our Architect;
- Negotiating a lease with our proposed new lessee at the St John Chandler Hall –.
- Working to enter into a new lease at Langley Vale Hall
On the matter of the proposed upgrade to the sound and a/v system, it was noted
that we had met with our sound and a/v engineers on the 31 May, together with
Wendy Harris from the DAC. Following that meeting we are hoping to apply for
permission to install the proposed new equipment.
Treasurers Report
The Wardens spoke to the previously circulated report and financial statements. It
was noted that we had received a generous legacy from Flora Turner’s estate.
Change of Signatories for the CCLA Investment Accounts
The meeting resolved to update our signatories to our investment accounts by
removing John Flower as a signatory and replacing him with Sarah Lutton
The proposed dates for forthcoming meetings of this Council, the Standing and
Finance Committee and the APCM in May 2022 were all noted as set out in the
agenda. The Chair added that there would also be a meeting of the Standing and
Finance Committee on the 07 July
Eco Church
Helen Williams updated members on the progress that we are making with ECO
church and sustainability. We are planning on holding a second sustainability fair in
the Church in the autumn.
The meeting ended with prayers at 22.05 hours